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Best Cleansing Tea for Glowing Skin

By: :Olori Herbal Secrets 0 comments
Best Cleansing Tea for Glowing Skin

We take teas for different reasons, it helps revitalize us and it's the best way to start your mornings. 

But what about drinking tea that not only refreshes your mind but your skin

Some six months ago, we launched our skin cleansing tea and it has been a best seller. Our customers swear to its amazing results and willingly send reviews to back up their claims. We waited a while before writing this so it's not like we are hyping ourselves, we decided to let the efficacy of the amazing product speak for itself directly from the lips of our customers. 

Apart from how amazing this tea is, why should you get It for yourself (or another?)

1. It eliminates toxins that make your skin dull and unhealthy: We carefully selected some herbs like green tea, burdock roots, licorice, white tea, rosehip and three other high-performance herbs that cleanse and detoxify your body system by eliminating those toxins that make your skin dull and unhealthy.

2. It helps deal with problematic skin concerns: such as acne, rashes, blemishes

3. Gives that extra luminous glow

4. Glutathione benefits in tea form: Some health benefits of glutathione include: Overall lighter, brighter skin tone, even skin tone with reduced dark spots, reduced blemishes, diminishes acne scars.

Glutathione is known for giving you a youthful glow and smoothness, even your skin. Our tea contains just the exact amount of proportion you need to help give you your desired results.

5. Promotes collagen that prevents ageing: Our tea contains collagen and it's one of the most predominant ingredients. Collagen is a well known and popular supplement and it is used by the best skin care brands to help prevent ageing by improving the elasticity of the skin. 

study funded by Minerva Research Labs Ltd. shows that collagen supplements can improve skin dryness and wrinkles that occur with ageing.  After 12 weeks of taking a supplement with hydrolysed collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and minerals, patients in this study experienced improved skin firmness and hydration, as well as a lessened appearance of wrinkles.

6. It helps detoxify your body: Boosts your immune system

7. You can drink it like a normal tea so it doubles as a tea and helps make your skin look and feel better

How to Use: 

A tea bag dipped in hot water, each morning alongside your vitamin C 1000mg and you are good to go! 

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